Malama O Puna Mission:
“Malama O Puna is a Hawai’i non profit 501(C)(3) corporation and volunteer service organization that focuses on environmental health, community sustainability, and stability. Our mission is to protect critical habitat, native species, open spaces and traditional cultural landscapes for future generations through hands-on projects, environmental education, advocacy, and networking.”
The Malama O Puna Board of Directors is a group of your friends and neighbors who volunteer to keep up the work of “protecting Hawai ‘i ‘s precious natural heritage” by:
- Acting as consultants to the general public on ecosystem preservation, site restoration issues, and invasive species control making written materials and other sources available on these subjects.
- Developing audiovisual and written curriculum materials for all educational levels on Hawai‘i’s unique biota and ecosystems, and on techniques for protection, management and restoration.
- Partnering and networking with government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations with similar interests for the purpose of increasing public awareness regarding the importance of environmental protection.
- Promoting the development, growth and preservation of federal, state, county, district and private parks for the purpose of enhancing open spaces for future generations.
- Planting trees, shrubs and groundcovers to enhance the natural landscape and provide urban beautification.
- Encouraging greenways and bird corridors, both coastal and between the coast and the uplands (mauka-makai) through various strategies, including acquisition of small critical parcels of land for conservation dedication and land-trusting.
- Promoting community and youth education programs to enhance public awareness of Hawai‘i’s natural beauty, and to stimulate a love of nature.
- Building capacity in the community to promote resilience and sustainability in Puna’s development and to combat food insecurity by assisting in community gardens, processing facilities, and food hubs.
Tim Rowan
Jessika Wilkes
Sherry Kelso Palmer
Angelic Ebbers
Diane Franciosa
Isaac Pedro
Sylvia Dolena
Amber Ternus
William Steiner
Eileen O’Hara
Executive Director
Who are we? We are YOU!