Since its initiation as a 501c3 in 2000, Malama O Puna has worked on many initiatives over the years. Learn about the services we offer, and about our projects.
- Provide Fiscal Hosting for community groups who are not IRS nonprofit entities and who are seeking grants to conduct activities aligned with the Malama O Puna mission and goals,
- Conduct a Food Security Program in Puna assisting Community Gardens and Gleaning projects, working on Feral Pig control, and establishing a working Mobile Kitchen for use in emergencies
- Volunteer for Community Beautification projects such as maintaining the Pahoa Roundabout and assisting with the Vireya garden at the Panaewa Zoo
- Community Capacity Building support student leadership programs and science contests
Provide Stewardship Services to properties in Puna acquired by the County under the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Commission (PONC)
Current Projects
- Kea’au Middle School Civics Leadership project (fiscal host)
- Black Sands Keiki Garden (fiscal host)
- Nanawale Community Garden
- Restoration of a Military Mobile Kitchen
- 4-Point Plan for Feral Pig Control & Utilization.
- Stewards for a County PONC property (the Wai’ele) located in coastal Puna Makai
Past Projects
- Halepua’a Forest Restoration
- Column: Caring For Our Land
- Stop Use of Sunscreens With Oxybenzone
- Mangrove Removal: Alula Bay
- Mangrove Removal: Wai’Opae
- Miconia Removal
- Lava Tree Park Clean-up & Planting