Since year 2000, Malama O Puna has been involved in the Puna community assisting in sponsoring County and State grants for community groups who are not structured as a 501c3 nonprofit. We’ve assisted in lava recovery projects and supported a science contest for local high schools.  We produced a Lava Recovery video featuring residents impacted by the 2018 eruption. We are hosting a student leadership project for the PTSA at Keaau Middle School. Malama O Puna took on the role of maintaining the Pahoa Roundabout after community gardening efforts failed to keep it looking healthy and inviting.  We’ve also been asked to assist with maintaining the Vireya collection at the Panaewa Zoo. 

These types of projects are performed by volunteers so if interested, please contact us at [email protected] or leave a message on the main phone at (808) 965-2000.