The Puna district is home to many lower to medium income household who often experience food insecurity, especially in the face of disasters and pandemics. In 2018, Malama O Puna launched this program to help build resiliency in the community and promote sustainable methods of providing food for Puna’s families
- Nanawale Backyard Gardening Project
- Community Fruit Orchard at Hawaiian Shores
- Black Sands Community Garden
- Permaculture Demonstration Garden
- Provision of Little Fire Ant and Rat Lung Worm Disease literature & supplies
- Free Pandemic Food Give-Away
- Growing Ulu (Breadfruit) trees from plugs to field ready
[a photo from each project provided below]
Malama O Puna is currently refurbishing an older military style mobile kitchen currently housed at the Nanawale Long House. The kitchen has been provided to Malama O Puna by the Puna Coalition of Christian Churches. Once renovated, we will seek certification to use the mobile unit for food preparation in the event of emergencies and potentially for additional uses as well. We have donated a refrigerator and freezer and will be acquiring freeze dry equipment to be able to add shelf life to foods grown in community gardens and donated through gleaning projects. [photos below]